Upcoming Events

Past Events:
Affirmed: I Belong Here
"Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our realities." - Jen Sinceros
Brunch of Girls will host its annual fall brunch at Hotel Indigo (Galleria) October 20, 2018 and we invite you to be our guest of honor. You can expect an impactful afternoon as we take a deeper dive into to the makings of you! No more shrinking because your mold of success doesn't mirror societal norms. No more whispering your truths aloud in fear of being rejected by your circles of influence. You are the only you, and the world is in need of what you have to offer it.
~ J'Mella Hinkston
President & Founder

Brunch Attendee Review:
I truly enjoyed everything. I told my daughter about the information you shared about changing how you pray and to begin thanking God. She took this approach, and just this week she has been filling out application for summer jobs. She wants to work at Victoria Secrets, told me she prayed and thank God, and yesterday they called her for an interview! God is so good!
Everything happened so fast, just as your mother was beginning to minister and the Holy Spirit was flowing, it was time to end. I just wanted more! It was literally watching a flower bloom and seeing the residue!
Thanks again, everything was awesome! Continue to allow God to order your steps and go forward young lady!
Join us Saturday, September 7, 2019, at 9:00 am for a three-hour conference filled with a dynamic group of speakers and life-changing panel discussion. This conference is designed to produce a radiant domino effect of inspiration that will personally grow and develop female leaders.
Our theme is “THRIVE: The evolution of the female leader.” Through this powerful conference, we seek to help expand and accelerate your vision and enhance your skill-set as you go to another level. We will provide practical application classes and teach principals that you can use in your everyday life.
We welcome female Directors of non-profit organizations, CEO's, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Women in Ministry and Influencers.